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Cascade Hill
1 Bedroom | 1 Bathroom
Floor Plan Video
Apartment | Sq. Ft. | Rent | Action |
Apartment: #090039003 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 840 |
Rent: $1,486 to - $2,366 |
Select for apartment #09003 |
Apartment: #021012101 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 840 |
Rent: $1,486 to - $2,366 |
Select for apartment #02101 |
Apartment: #091089108 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 840 |
Rent: $1,536 to - $2,456 |
Select for apartment #09108 |
Chapel Hill
1 Bedroom | 1 Bathroom
Floor Plan Video
Apartment | Sq. Ft. | Rent | Action |
Apartment: #013101310 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 760 |
Rent: $1,432 to - $2,312 |
Select for apartment #01310 |
Apartment: #023082308 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 760 |
Rent: $1,432 to - $2,352 |
Select for apartment #02308 |
Apartment: #062016201 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 760 |
Rent: $1,432 to - $2,352 |
Select for apartment #06201 |
2 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms
Floor Plan Video
Apartment | Sq. Ft. | Rent | Action |
Apartment: #023052305 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,215 |
Rent: $1,540 to - $2,180 |
Select for apartment #02305 |
Apartment: #061066106 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,215 |
Rent: $1,565 to - $2,665 |
Select for apartment #06106 |
Apartment: #081048104 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,215 |
Rent: $1,565 to - $2,205 |
Select for apartment #08104 |
Apartment: #063046304 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,215 |
Rent: $1,565 to - $2,665 |
Select for apartment #06304 |
Apartment: #060046004 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,215 |
Rent: $1,615 to - $2,255 |
Select for apartment #06004 |
Sand Hill
1 Bedroom | 1 Bathroom
Floor Plan Video
Apartment | Sq. Ft. | Rent | Action |
Apartment: #080078007 Brodick lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 800 |
Rent: $1,393 to - $2,068 |
Select for apartment #08007 |
Apartment: #082018201 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 800 |
Rent: $1,278 to - $1,953 |
Select for apartment #08201 |
Apartment: #083078307 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 800 |
Rent: $1,400 to - $2,335 |
Select for apartment #08307 |
The Avalon
1 Bedroom | 1 Bathroom
Floor Plan Video
Apartment | Sq. Ft. | Rent | Action |
Apartment: #042024202 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 735 |
Rent: $1,450 to - $2,330 |
Select for apartment #04202 |
Woodland with Den
1 Bedroom | 1 Bathroom
Floor Plan Video
Apartment | Sq. Ft. | Rent | Action |
Apartment: #051085108 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 880 |
Rent: $1,491 to - $2,411 |
Select for apartment #05108 |
2 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms
Floor Plan Video
Apartment | Sq. Ft. | Rent | Action |
Apartment: #013041304 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,100 |
Rent: $1,540 to - $2,180 |
Select for apartment #01304 |
Apartment: #030073007 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,100 |
Rent: $1,540 to - $2,180 |
Select for apartment #03007 |
Apartment: #032063206 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,100 |
Rent: $1,540 to - $2,180 |
Select for apartment #03206 |
Apartment: #033043304 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,100 |
Rent: $1,490 to - $2,130 |
Select for apartment #03304 |
Apartment: #1030610306 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,100 |
Rent: $1,540 to - $2,180 |
Select for apartment #10306 |
Apartment: #010071007 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,100 |
Rent: $1,515 to - $2,155 |
Select for apartment #01007 |
Apartment: #013051305 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,100 |
Rent: $1,490 to - $2,130 |
Select for apartment #01305 |
Apartment: #1020410204 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,100 |
Rent: $1,540 to - $2,180 |
Select for apartment #10204 |
Apartment: #092049204 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,100 |
Rent: $1,490 to - $2,130 |
Select for apartment #09204 |
Apartment: #013071307 Brodick Lane Lithia Springs GA 30122
Sq. Ft.: 1,100 |
Rent: $1,490 to - $2,130 |
Select for apartment #01307 |
Prices and special offers valid for new residents only. Pricing and availability subject to change at any time.